Paper GEDMAR 2011

August 18, 2012, oleh: superadmin

S.P.R. Wardani and Agus Setyo Muntohar (2011) LABORATORY MODEL TEST ON IMPROVED SOIL USING LIME-COLUMN. Geotechnical Engineering For Disaster Mitigation And Rehabilitation And Highway Engineering 2011: pp. 271-275.

 Invited Papers
S.P.R. Wardani
Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Agus Setyo Muntohar

Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The lime-column technique has been applied successfully in recent years to improve the physical and mechanical properties of the soils. This technique increases soil bearing capacity and reduces soil settlement owing to improving of soil strength and stiffness. This paper presents the preliminary results of the laboratory model test of lime-column technique on soft clay soil to investigate load-settlement characteristic in laboratory. The lime-column was designed as single column with 50 mm in diameter (D), and 100 mm of depth. The laboratory tests carried out was one dimensional consolidation and small plate loading test. The test results show that before installation of the lime-column, based on the load-settlement curve, the mode of failure was likely defined as general shear failure. The bearing capacity of the soft soil increased from 0.23 kN to 5.2 kN, it was about more than 20 times increasing, after the lime-column was installed. Whole results indicated that lime-column technique is a valuable method to enhance soil bearing capacity and reduce soil settlement.
Keywords: lime-column; deformation; soft soil; bearing capacity
Agus Setyo Muntohar (2011) SHEAR STRENGTH CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WASTE FIBERS REINFORCED LIME-RICE HUSK ASH STABILIZED CLAY. Geotechnical Engineering For Disaster Mitigation And Rehabilitation And Highway Engineering 2011: pp. 344-348.

Conference Papers: Soil Behaviours and Mechanisms for Hazard Analysis
Agus Setyo Muntohar

  • Formerly at Department of Civil Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Applied Geology, Curtin University
In order to reduce the brittleness of soil stabilized by lime only, a recent study of a newly proposed mixture of fiber wastes and lime – rice hush ash mixtures for ground improvement is described in this paper. The research was conducted to investigate the influence of the mixture of wastes fibers on the mechanical properties of the stabilized clay soil with lime-rice husk mixtures. The amount of lime and rice husk ash was used 12% by dry weight of soil specimen. The fiber content and length are 0.4% (by weight of the parent soil) and 2 mm respectively. The specimens were subjected to triaxial tests under unconsolidated – undrained condition (UU) condition which is tested after 3, 7, 14 and 21 days of curing. Stress and strain relationship shows the post-peak stress which indicating ductility behavior of the treated soil. It was found that the addition of fibers contributed significantly on the shear strength parameters of the treated soil and the shear strength increased with increasing the curing time.
Keywords: shear strength; fibers; lime; rice husk ash; clay; triaxial
Download paper here: GEDMAR2011_proc